AYLUS Rancho Cucamonga Branch Volunteers at TOYOTA ARENA on 02/04/2024

AYLUS Rancho Cucamonga Branch Volunteers at TOYOTA ARENA on 02/04/2024


It is well-known that the student volunteers in AYLUS RC Branch are mostly comprised of Chinese American children. The New Year is the most important holiday for Chinese families. Many Chinese families often arrange visits with friends and family in the U.S. over the weekend to celebrate the Chinese New Year. Amidst the joy of the Chinese New Year, we faced some challenges during the fundraising event as many student volunteers had personal family arrangements. Through various coordination and communication, our team leaders, student volunteers, and their families attempted to adjust their family schedules to continue supporting the fundraising activities at the Empire Strykers home games.


During the fundraising event, our AYLUS RC Branch members were energetic and dedicated, showcasing the vigor and positivity of youth. Student volunteers actively engaged with spectators entering the stadium early, introducing them to the purpose and significance of the fundraising and sincerely inquiring about their willingness to contribute. There were those who agreed kindly and those who declined, but our student volunteers were encouraged by the goodwill they received and persevered through the refusals. Volunteers holding fundraising signs walked around the entire stadium to inform spectators about the fundraising activities, assisting donors with completing their information and helping the organizers with collection. Student volunteers in charge of the children’s soccer activities patiently retrieved balls that unexpectedly flew out of the field and distributed small gifts to thank children and their families for their contributions. They quickly moved to the center of the field to collect balls that needed to be reused for future fundraising events.


All these efforts made us truly feel the sincerity and passion our AYLUS RC Branch kids have for volunteer activities. Together, we were able to assist the organizers in successfully raising $520 on this day.


The children’s hard work was witnessed as they experienced the challenges of volunteering while also gaining the joy and fulfillment of helping others. This is the experience we at AYLUS hope for them to gain: personal growth, accomplishments, skill development, gratitude, giving back to society, and finding inner fulfillment and happiness through helping others.

The volunteers who dedicated their time and energy to this cause were Ziyu Zhu; Zichen Zhu; Haoyu Zhang. Each volunteer contributed 4 hours.



Updated: April 27, 2024 — 2:58 am

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