Syosset AYLUS Celebrates Earth Day with Audubon by Birding and Removing Invasive Plants, 4/21/24

Members of the Syosset Branch, along with members of the Oyster Bay branch, worked together with the National Audubon Society and partook in a variety of activities in honor of Earth Day. Many members went on the bird walk, where they were able to go birding. Members were able to learn a lot about birds on this walk, such as the survival tactics of some of these forest birds. For example, some birds use the broken-wing tactic to lure predators away from their nest.

The rest of the members worked to remove “invasives” along the entrance, main area and pond areas. The main plants that were removed included those that are not necessary invasives but are detrimental to the survival of the more important grasses and plants. For example, dandelion plants were uprooted along with a plant of the ranunculus variety, which members were taught to identify through finding their small yellow bulbs. These plants were removed in order to make sure that the vital plants would have enough sunlight exposure. Members also uprooted mayapple plants in order to transplant them in other parts of the park.

Members who participated include: (everyone 2.5h): Alyssa Huang, Nicole Zhang, Suiying Li, Rita Bao, Amanda Gao, Benson Lam, Lucille Lam, Wei You, Sophie Liu, Xuanming Liu, Chloe Wu, Elise Wu.



Updated: April 23, 2024 — 1:45 pm

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