Greater Princeton AYLUS Prepares for its 6th Youth Benefit Concert & Arts Show (5th) in November 2023

In November, the Greater Princeton Branch of AYLUS (GPA) continued preparing for its 6th Youth Benefit Concert & Arts Show to be hosted in the Large Chapel at Fellowship Deaconry (3575 Valley Rd, Basking Ridge, NJ 07920), scheduled for December 16th, 2023, from 10 am to 6 pm.

GPA has independently hosted 5 successful youth benefit concerts & art shows, for Ms Su Wei battling cancer, for Princeton First Aid & Rescue Squad (PFARS) to support its Campaign for the Future with a new headquarters, and three to End Alzheimer’s and to support Greater Princeton first responder heroes.

Starting in December 2018, GPA members have hosted over 180 Save a Life events to help people in need, with many fundraising and donation drives. Now it’s time for us to continue our Youth Benefit Concert program to help save more lives.

The 6th Youth Benefit Concert & Arts Show is to support first responders. Members will use the funds collected to support many first aid rescue squads, ambulance & firefighters, and senior living centers. Details of the concert are on the posters. The signup currently has 73 performance pieces and 20 art exhibitions, all together there will be over 100 musician/artists onsite!

The Benefit Concert is organized by AYLUS National Presidents Kevin Chen (Concert, 11/15, 3 hrs) & Jerry Chen (Concert, 11/15, 3 hrs; 11/26, 3 hrs), Lana Cheng (Art Show, 11/15, 3 hrs) & Cici Yang (Art Show, 11/15, 3 hrs), who finalized concert and art show details. Many GPA students, Steven Li (11/15, 3 hrs), Laetitia Huang (11/15, 3 hrs), Xing Liao (11/15, 3 hrs), Chenhao Luo (11/15, 3 hr), Zichen Ling (11/15, 3 hrs), Joey Deng (11/15, 3 hrs), Jeffrey Jiang (11/15, 3 hrs), Victor Yu (11/15, 3 hr), Gloria Wang (11/15, 3 hrs), also worked together as organizing committee members for another successful benefit concert & art show. Many GPA members, also supported AYLUS Youth Benefit Concert & Art Show.

Updated: November 29, 2023 — 2:45 am

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