AYLUS syosset volunteered in Farmingdale, NY 11/4/2023

     On November 4th, 2023, members of the Syosset Branch volunteered in Farmingdale to remove vines that are around the trees so that it doesn’t absorb energy from the tree and eventually wrapping them all around the tree and dragging the tree tilled. All the volunteer helped out a lot on sweeping the leaves on the ground so the pathway is clean and cutting down tree branches so it creates road to tell the visitors that are coming to the park that this place isn’t the path, walk between the pathways. After we got all the vines and leaves in the bucket and threw them away. The park looked much cleaner and all the trees looked better than before, i hope all the trees we helped today can grow tall and health and protect the environment 

Members who participated : Rayya Zheng, Margaret Zhang,  HAODONG Wang HAOHUA Wang, suiwai li and suiying li  Jessica Albrecht (3 Hour all)

Updated: November 13, 2023 — 12:41 am

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