RC Branch attended monthly food bank activity on 04/22/2023<1>

On April 22nd, 2023, twelve members from the AYLUS RC Branch participated in the second food bank volunteer event for the month of April. This time, three new members joined us to engage in this meaningful activity together. Our branch was tasked with distributing pre-packaged food outdoors. Each group of two members stood in front of one type of food, and the veteran members led the new ones in completing the day’s tasks. The amount of food distributed at each event is always substantial, and we had to be on our feet for a full five hours, without stopping, to complete the task of food distribution. This type of volunteer work is not suitable for young volunteers due to the frequent lifting and carrying involved.


Our members all enjoyed participating in this activity, and we look forward to the continuation of volunteer events in May. Due to our excellent performance during previous events, we were granted more spots for our members to participate in this month’s food bank event, which has inspired more new members to join us. The experienced members of our branch are always willing to help and guide new members, and we work well together as a team.


Participating in this volunteer event has given us a sense of satisfaction and pride in our ability to give back to the community. It’s heartening to see the gratitude on the faces of those who receive our help. We all feel that this type of volunteer work is incredibly fulfilling, and we hope to continue volunteering in the future. The AYLUS RC Branch looks forward to continuing our efforts in supporting the community and contributing to the greater good.

The volunteer time for this event was 5 hours, and the names of the participating members are: Ryan Kan; Xinran Zhang; Zhu Zhu; Chen Su; Yuxuan Liu; Zhixian Yin; Waiki Hou; Xinnuo Huang; Zhiyue Chen; JIahe Song; Qiliang Zhang; MIngxuan Chen

Updated: April 29, 2023 — 12:52 pm

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