AYLUS Syosset Volunteers at the Long Island Native Plant Initiative (3/22/25)

Reported by Anson Ye

On 3/22/25, members of AYLUS Syosset helped out at the Long Island Native Plant Initiative, doing various tasks to support the greenhouse. First, members planted a variety of plants, such as Bluecurls, Salt-Marsh Fleabanes, and Sweet Everlastings, and placed them in the nursery. Then, members spread rice hulls over plants, which improves drainage, holds moisture, and aerates the soil. After this, members put up a shade cloth over the greenhouse, protecting plants from extended periods of direct sun exposure, and anchored and zip tied the cloth to the ground to keep it secure. Additionally, members placed LINPI labels on plants and stickers on packages or bags, and cleaned any yarrow that were on clippers.

Members that participated include: Anson Ye (3 hours), Vincent Ye (3 hours), Lucas Fu (2 hours), Kayla Fu (2 hours), Lorne Xie (2 hours), Zhicheng Yang (2 hours), Riley Lin (4 hours), Ryan Lin (4 hours), Isabella Zhong (4 hours), Jaden Huang (2 hours), Andrew Lin (2 hours), and Audrey Lin (2 hours).


Updated: March 24, 2025 — 1:55 am

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