In June 2024, the Marlboro Branch of AYLUS partnered with the Red Cross Foundation to organize a month-long clothing and supplies drive. With the incredible support of our community, we gathered an impressive collection of gently used clothing, blankets, and essential supplies. These donations were delivered to the Red Cross, where they will be distributed to individuals and families in need, providing comfort and relief. This collaboration highlights our branch’s commitment to making a meaningful difference, and we are excited to continue supporting those in need through future initiatives.
Shreyans Shah– 3.5 hrs
Abhiansh Pathak– 3 hrs
Akshat tewari– 3 hrs
Siddarth Kedharnath– 3 hrs
Aaron Ezekiel– 3 hrs
Arth Thummar– 2 hrs
Justin Okorie — 2 hrs
Ruhi Lokanadham — 3 hrs
Vipul Pemmaraju — 3 hrs
Andy Chu — 3 hrs
Musa Dar — 3 hrs
John Chang — 3 hrs
Brody Grimaldi — 3 hrs