On August 15, 2024, the Marlboro Branch of AYLUS hosted its second beach cleanup of the year at Sandy Hook Beach, continuing our mission to protect the environment. Volunteers came together once again to remove litter, collecting over 65 pounds of trash, including plastic waste, glass, and other harmful debris. This event not only helped preserve the beauty of Sandy Hook but also emphasized the importance of environmental stewardship. We are proud of our ongoing efforts and look forward to organizing more cleanups to keep our beaches and ecosystems thriving!
Shreyans Shah– 6 hrs
Abhiansh Pathak– 6 hrs
Shriyan Parsa – 4 hrs
Siddarth Kedharnath– 4 hrs
Ritwik Singh– 4 hrs
Arth Thummar– 4 hrs
Rishab Verma — 4 hrs
Ruhi Lokanadham — 4 hrs
Vipul Pemmaraju — 5 hrs
Andy Chu — 4 hrs
Pranaya Koplod — 4 hrs
Madoc Beynon — 4 hrs
Charlie Labvkoski — 4 hrs