AYLUS Syosset Helps Restart a Garden at Bethpage State Park (12/14/24)

Reported by Anson Ye

On 12/14/24, members of AYLUS Syosset worked with members of Dix Hills at Bethpage State Park to reset an overgrown garden. To restore the garden, members from both branches first cleared the  debris covering the garden—leaves, weeds, and branches—using rakes and gardening shears. Then, members removed the tarps under the debris, that were held down by stakes and weeds, rolling the tarps into bundles and disposing of them after. Underneath the tarp revealed an abundance of Vineweed, which had to be removed and picked off from the ground. The surrounding trees and weeds also had to be pruned or removed, and the wood border surrounding the garden as well. The garden had long been neglected, but by helping to clear it out, the park is able to sow new seeds in the ground and restore its previous condition.

Members that participated include (All  2 hours): Anson Ye, Vincent Ye, and Yuqi Nie.

Updated: December 15, 2024 — 3:24 am

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