On December 7th and 8th, 2024, members of AYLUS Puget Sound hosted two 1 hour long concerts for Aegis Living Kirkland Waterfront and Aegis Living Bellevue. A total 22 volunteers performed 25 performances at these two concerts.
MCs: Megan L
Abby C
Performers: Anna L, Alicia F, Klara K, Christina L, Nicholas C, Jeffrey Z, Logan K, Mingyue Y, Aiden D, Cyrus G, Stephanie W, Leland C, Bill Y, Megan L, Carol G, Jingqi L, Yilin T, Jaimee D, Matthew T, Cameron L, Michelle C
Organizers: Logan K, Megan L, Abby C, Ava L
Videographer: Victor Z
Total Individual Hours:
12 hrs: Christina L
- 10 hrs: Anna L, Nicholas C, Jeffrey Z, Megan L
- 8 hrs: Logan K, Mingyue Y, Cyrus G, Stephanie W, Leland C,
- 6 hrs: Alicia F, Cameron L, Michelle C, Victor Z
- 4 hrs: Klara K, Matthew T, Aiden D, Bill Y, Bailey T, Jingqi L, Yilin T, Jaimee D, Mathew Y, Carol G
- 3 hrs: Ava L, Abby C
Dec 7th: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12iwKjY7Gp8ZVdE2hoHjnOznJ6ce-oKNd
Dec 8th: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-2Tqzgg0L4R7s0PNQxFrPkzYZIOBIJYn
Performance Videos:
Dec 7th:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9TZwPKrZd4&list=PLLIAEAp0n-SnlpTKHZ1OJXa5ITX-hltNb
Dec 8th: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLIAEAp0n-SlmBAsiYecOeKAzmlYUAQy3