Greater Tulsa, OK

Status: New


On the June 13, 2024, four high school students from three different high schools in great Tulsa area created the 156th AYLUS branch in Tulsa, Oklahoma.


Kevin Chen    Kaiting Hsu     Kaylin Chen     

      Kevin Chen                  Kaiting Hsu                    Kaylin Chen                   Daniel Hsieh

Congratulations to (from left) Kevin Chen, Kaiting Hsu, Kaylin Chen and Daniel Hsieh of the Greater Tulsa Branch! Great job!

Description of the Greater Tulsa Branch:

The Greater Tulsa Branch, part of AYLUS (the Alliance of Youth Leaders of the U.S.), is dedicated to providing meaningful volunteer service opportunities for middle and high school students throughout the greater Tulsa area in Oklahoma. Our mission is to create a positive environment where students from diverse backgrounds and schools can come together to make a tangible difference in our community.

As young members of this community, we believe in supporting one another and utilizing our skills, passions, and creativity to effect positive change. Through our activities and projects, we aim to foster a sense of dedication, principle, and ethics among our members, ensuring that the spirit of service remains with us long after our paths diverge.

We welcome all motivated students who are eager to make an impact and contribute to their community! Whether you’re passionate about volunteering at local shelters, organizing community events, musical performances, tutoring, fundraising, or simply the incline to assist others in any way you can, come to join us, and the Greater Tulsa Branch of AYLUS provides opportunities for personal growth, leadership development, and meaningful connections.


Contact us at:

Branch Leadership


Name Email
President Kevin Chen
Vice President Kaiting Hsu
Secretary Kaylin Chen
Treasurer Daniel Hsieh
Advisor Chaoying Zhang
Advisor Joyce Hsu

Advisor Susan Hsieh


Team Members


Name Name Name
Kevin Chen Nhu Nguyen Justin Li
Kaiting Hsu Vy Tran Bella Huynh
Kaylin Chen Danielle Son Bao Do
Daniel Hsieh Hannah Flaherty
Neddy Cai Amanda Weng
Edwin Cai Dannis Weng
Andrew Li Lucy Li


Updated: October 12, 2024 — 4:01 pm

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