Reported by Bryan Zheng
Posted by Karen Li
On September 28th 2024, AYLUS volunteers arrived at the Dallas Chinese Fellowship Church to help the staff there teach and play with the special needs friends. We each partnered up with a special need friend and helped them with physical activities such as dancing. The special need friends were then given a lecture on social skills involving boundaries and respect. In addition, an organization called Boost was invited to teach them basic skills involving robotics. They learned the difference between active and passive parts and built their own sumo robots made out of legos with motor-powered active parts. Afterwards the sumo robots they built were pitted against each other in a fighting ring to see who won the building competition.
Bryan Zheng (event leader) 4 hours
Shibo Zhou 3 hours
Kevin Dong 3 hours
Tianlu Zhou 3 hours
Jiahe (Joy) Tian 3 hours
Audrey Cheng 3 hours
Shang Sun 3 hours
Li Wan (Supervising parent) 4 hours