Healthy Future: Pearland Volunteers Assessed Teen Mental Health Program for LSA in August-September, 2024

The Light and Salt Association invited Pearland youth to assist in the assessment and evaluation of its newly launched teen mental health program. The evaluation process involved youth volunteers participating in three 1.5-hour sessions, where they completed surveys and provided detailed feedback on the instructors and course materials. The volunteers thoroughly reviewed the teaching methods and content, offering constructive criticism on both the instructors’ delivery and the examples used in the manual. The first two sessions were conducted online, while the final session took place in person.


8/17 (6-7:30, 1.5 hours): Zoey Dou, Iris Yang, Erica Gao, Aila Jiang, Tina Dong, Andy Shi, Daniel Zhang, Derek Zhu

8/24 (6-7:30, 1.5 hours): Zoey Dou, Iris Yang, Erica Gao, Aila Jiang, Tina Dong, Andy Shi, Daniel Zhang, Derek Zhu

9/28 (5-6:30, 1.5 hours): Zoey Dou, Iris Yang, Erica Gao, Aila Jiang, Tina Dong, Andy Shi, Daniel Zhang, Derek Zhu

Updated: September 29, 2024 — 8:10 pm

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