AYLUS San Clemente Branch Members Volunteered at South Orange County Walk to End Alzheimer’s on September 21, 2024

On September 21, 2024, 13 members of the AYLUS San Clemente Branch volunteered at the Walk to End Alzheimer’s in South Orange County.

This is a large event that raises awareness and funds for Alzheimer’s care, support, and research. Members were assigned various roles in preparation for the walk, during the walk, and after the walk. Some tasks for setting up included drawing art, carrying dropped-off items to their intended places, and putting up pinwheels. Right before the walk began, all members grabbed signs promoting awareness of Alzheimer’s and pompoms to cheer on the walkers. They were then stationed at various spots around the park and cheered. After the walk ended, members helped collect all the pinwheels and other decorations, organizing them into boxes. Overall, this was a rewarding experience for all members, and getting to promote such a significant cause was gratifying.

Members that participated: Laura Liu (4.5 hours), Miah Zhou (3.5 hours), Tylon Zhou (3.5 hours), Jasmine Zheng (4.5 hours), Eastwood Zhang (4 hours), Eric Ding (4 hours), Nison Cai (4 hours), Claire Huang (4.5 hours), Edward Leigh (4 hours), Kevin Pan (4.5 hours), Tanya Kaewmanee (4.5 hours), Kara Horn (3.5 hours), Noelani Kumjim (4.5 hours).

Reported by Laura Liu



Updated: September 26, 2024 — 4:58 am

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