AYLUS Oakland Gardens Donates Books to Their Local Library (09/03/2024)

This is the 120th event hosted by AYLUS Oakland Gardens. On Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024,from 9:00 to 11:00.  AYLUS Oakland Gardens donated books to their local library. These books came from donations from our members.

As our branch had collected a lot of books for our two international projects, there were still many books in good condition left. As we do not want to just let the books go to waste, our branch came to the decision to donate these books to our local libraries. Sorting out the books to make sure all of the books were in good quality, we then packed the books into boxes. As most of the books were chapter books, the boxes end up to be heavy. As these are heavy boxes, we had to be careful when lifting them, as improper posture would cause injury to our back. We then brought these books inside the library, making sure to stack them carefully as we do not want our librarians to injure themselves either.

We would like to thank our members for helping us out the entire journey.


Our volunteers:

Sophia ShiHan You: 2 hours

Stephanie ShiRan You: 2 hours

Jia Qi Liu: 2 hours

Hong Hao Liu : 2 hours


Parent Adviser Team:

Teng Fei Liu: 2 hours

Hsinhui Liao: 2 hours

Cui Fang Li: 2 hours


Report Written by: Hong Hao (Alfred) Liu

Reviewed by: Jia Qi (Angela) Liu

Updated: September 7, 2024 — 6:36 pm

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