AYLUS San Clemente Branch Members Volunteered at FAM Food Pantry on September 2nd, 2024

On 9/2/2024, Jasmine Zheng & Eastwood Zhang volunteered at FAM food pantry for three hours from 9 am to 12 pm; the supervisor was Eastwood’s mom. For nearly two hours, Eastwood and Jasmine sorted boxes of various meats by animal protein categories (poultry in one box, seafood in another, beef in yet another, and so on). After putting the completely sorted meat boxes away into fridges, the two volunteers then broke down all of the warehouse’s unused cardboard boxes to be recycled, which took up the next hour of the time they spent at the FAM warehouse.

Members who volunteered: Jasmine Zheng (3 hours), Eastwood Zhang (3 hours)

Supervisor: Betty Zhou ( 4hrs )

Reported by Laura Liu



Updated: September 7, 2024 — 5:11 am

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