City and Neighbor Support: Pearland Branch Supported Community Lecture Hosted by PCA on Aug 17, 2024

On the evening of August 17th, from 7 to 9 PM, Pearland Chinese Association organized a community lecture on organic gardening at the local library. The event was a great success, with over 40 Pearland residents attending and actively participating in the discussions. The lecture covered various aspects of organic gardening, including best practices, benefits, and tips for starting and maintaining an organic garden.

As always, AYLUS volunteers provided invaluable support to the community event. They not only designed an excellent flyer to promote the lecture, but also assisted on the day of the event by setting up the venue, serving the audience, and helping with cleanup afterward. Their dedication and hard work significantly contributed to the smooth execution of the event.


Derek Zhu(1 hr)
Derek Xu (2 hrs), Fiona Byrd(2 hrs)
Updated: August 23, 2024 — 8:22 pm

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