City and Neighbor Support: Pearland Branch Community Chess Class (#68) on Aug 3, 2024

On Saturday August 3, 2024, Joshua Meng, Marc Lu, Brendon Jiang, and Roger Cui hosted the Pearland Branch volunteer chess lesson. As this was the last session, a tournament and a party commenced. The students were introduced to the process of playing in a real-life tournament and learned proper chess etiquette. The competitive environment of the tournament allowed the students to practice their chess skills in a more serious environment against other students. After the game the students would talk about what happened during the game, what they thought, and what they could do better. During the party they enjoyed snacks such as cookies, ice cream, and Capri-sun.

AYLUS Pearland provided an opportunity to the community to learn about the wonders of chess, while still having fun, allowing them to practice concepts that they have learned, gain knowledge, and improve their overall gameplay.
Volunteers (3 hours): Joshua Meng, Marc Lu
Volunteers (2 hours): Brendon Jiang, Roger Cui
Parent on duty (3 hours): Lingyu Meng(Joshua)
Parent on duty (2hours): Yong Cui(Roger)
Reported by Joshua Meng
Updated: August 4, 2024 — 8:34 pm

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