San Diego Branch Organized a Charity Book Sale on Aug. 2, 2024

Reported by Andrew Zhou

On August 2, San Diego members of AYLUS organized a Used Books Charity Sale event at the Solana Ranch Park, raising a total of $120. The goal of this event was to support the Libraries With Love program, which provides children in Africa with more opportunities to read books.

During the event, AYLUS volunteers sold used books for two hours. This event allowed students and families to acquire textbooks and picture books at affordable prices, reuse pre-owned books, and reduce waste. It fostered a sense of community and provided a platform for students and families to connect and share their passion for reading and learning.

On August 1,  AYLUS members organized the books into categories, such as picture books, fiction, textbooks, and reference books, and determined the prices. Each of them received 2 service hours:

Andrew Zhou, Colin Xie, Lauren Kan, Andrew Chen and Bruce Xiao


On August 2, the following 9 AYLUS members participated in the Used Books Charity Sale Event ,  with 3.0 volunteer hours for each:

Andrew Zhou, Derek Chen,  Andrew Chen,  Daniel Wang,  Gavin Zheng,  Max Yang,  Emily Chen,  Sixu Zhou and Lauren Kan. 

Updated: August 5, 2024 — 3:24 am

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