AYLUS Mendham NJ Branch volunteer service at NJ Audubon (7/29-8/2, 2024)

During the week of July 29 to Aug 2, Mendham Branch volunteer serviced at NJ Audubon’s magnificent Hoffman Center for Conservation and Environmental Education, as Campus Counselor as well as office assistant. The Center, located in the foothills of the Highlands, boasts an environmental learning center, tree-top level observation deck, Nature Store, Wayrick Art Gallery and exhibits. The bird-feeding station next to the building is a popular attraction for birds and birdwatchers alike and can be viewed from the comfort of our Nature Store inside of the building. The Sanctuary is home to more than 60 species of nesting birds, and over 200 species of birds have been sighted at the Sanctuary, including as many as 25 species of warblers during spring migration. Nesting birds of interest include Worm-eating Warbler, Louisiana Waterthrush, Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Pileated Woodpecker, Wild Turkey, and Great-horned and Screech owls. Red Fox, Long-tailed Weasel, Mink, numerous White-tailed Deer, Eastern Chipmunk, Gray and Red squirrels, Coyote, and many other mammals inhabit the diverse habitat at Scherman-Hoffman. Our volunteer served as Campus Counselor accompanying groups of kids into the woods, supervise their activities and provide educational advises around environmental topics. Furthermore, volunteer also feed animals on site, like turtle, snake, etc., clean tanks and set up lunch tables and classrooms. The volunteer service last for the whole week and is a repeated activity every summer.

Volunteers (29 hours): Boxuan (Robin) Fu


Updated: August 3, 2024 — 1:37 am

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