AYLUS Memorial Branch volunteered at MAM to help families in need on July 31, 2024

On July 31st, 2024, members of the AYLUS Memorial Branch volunteered at Memorial Assistance Ministries from 2-6PM. The volunteers did a variety of volunteer work. They sorted pillows by color, cloths by size, organized shoes, clothing, frames, and helped out in the jewelry section. The members were able to create a much more organized and neat thrifting experience for families in need.

Volunteers at this event: Christine Cai (4 hrs), Emily Liu (4 hrs), Katherine Guo (4 hrs), Emma Yin (4 hrs), Rice Areepitak (2 hrs).

Advisor at this event: Lingli Hong

Reported by Katherine Guo

Updated: August 2, 2024 — 2:56 pm

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