AYLUS Syosset volunteers teaches elementary schoolers basketball at A.P Willits on 7/30/2024

On 8/8/23 Members of AYLUS Syosset went to A.P Willits, to teach elementary schoolers basketball. The elementary schoolers that showed up consisted of fewer compared to 8/6/23. Coaches helped improve these elementary schoolers in their basics and further improved their fundamentals of basketball. These elementary schoolers progressed farther in their abilities to shoot and dribble. Towards the end of the session the coaches put the skills taught to the students to test by putting them into groups of 3 and then having then go 1v3 against a coach

Members who participated include:)

Wangyang Ji, Kyle Bao, Justin Lin, Felix Zheng, Darren Gao, Bryan Wao, Kexuan Chen (all 2hs)

Updated: July 31, 2024 — 3:32 am

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