San Diego Branch Prepared Sack Lunches for Interfaith Community Services on July 29th, 2024

Reported by Andrew Zhou

On July 29th, 2024, AYLUS San Diego Branch made sack lunches for Interfaith Community Services.

Interfaith Community Services, founded in 1979, is a nonprofit based in San Diego, CA. The organization provides food, housing, employment, treatment and other emergency resources for local people in crisis.  Food is our most basic human need, yet thousands of residents in North San Diego County are food insecure. Each day at Interfaith sack lunches are distributed to people as needed and available. Interfaith distributes 200+ sack lunches daily.

AYLUS San Diego Branch set up the recurring volunteer events to prepare sack lunches from our own kitchen and drop off to Interfaith Community Services.  Each includes a PB & J sandwich, a fruit, a couple of snacks and water.

The following volunteers participated and made 36 sack lunches 7/29/2024 and delivered all of them to Interfaith Community Services on the day:

Andrew Zhou 3 hours ( 12 bags , 2 hr + delivery 1 hrs)

Daniel Zhou  ( 12 bags, 2 hr) and

Derek Chen (12 bags, 2 hrs)


Updated: July 30, 2024 — 5:16 am

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