San Diego Branch hosted the Veterans Village of San Diego Annual Clothing Drive on July 12, 2024

Reported by Andrew Zhou

On July 12, 2024, the AYLUS San Diego Branch participated in the Veterans Village of San Diego Annual Clothing Drive. Our branch, working as a team, donated about seven bags and five boxes full of clothes and shoes to support our heroes. On that day, we partnered with another nonprofit organization, the Lion Club, and together we donated clothes and shoes that totals to a value of about $1,000. The collaborative efforts made a significant impact, highlighting the power of community-driven initiatives. We demonstrated our commitment to supporting our heroes as well as towards strengthening our community.

There are 21 AYLUS members that participated in the Veterans clothing drive event, and 3 of them packed up and delivered to the VVSD donation site, and each got 3 volunteer service hours:

Andrew Zhou, Bruce Xiao and Daniel Zhou.

And the following 18 AYLUS members each got 2 volunteer service hours:

Philip Zhang,  Sarah Chen,  Lauren Kan,  Eric Liang, Ayden Liang,  Derek Chen,  Eric Xie,        Jessica Chen,  Yifan (Oliver) Ren,  Ganning Ye,  Angie Hu,  Maggie Hu,  Andrew Chen , Emily Chen, Colin Xie,  Jessica Jiang,  Jessica Sun, and  Max Yang.



Updated: July 16, 2024 — 5:02 am

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