Slam n Splash (#127): Pearland Branch Community Tennis Class (#62) June 27, 2024

On the evening of June 27, AYLUS volunteers coached tennis as part of their continued
summer tennis lessons for fundraising.

The students were split between 2 courts where William, Nathan, and Wyatt lead the
beginners. Alexander, Will and Caroline lead the intermediates with Zide and Derek
overseeing the coaches. After warmup, the beginners worked on forehand and backhand
technique and even started learning the volley. The intermediate group focused on forehand
and backhand as well; however, they began learning the serve. The beginners focused on
their strokes and volleys while the intermediates focused on strokes and serves.

AYLUS is committed to community engagement and development, and this tennis training
session exemplifies their dedication to making a positive impact. The children left with
enhanced tennis skills and a stronger appreciation for community involvement.

Alexander Sun, Caroline Fu, Nathan Ci, William Sun, Will Wang, Wyatt Yin,

0.5 hour: Zide Liu
Parents on duty: Mia Liu (Zide Liu), Liting Ren (Caroline Fu)

Updated: July 8, 2024 — 2:02 am

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