AYLUS Syosset teaches basketball to elementary schoolers at Birchwood-circle parklet on 6/26/24

On 6/26/2024 part of the coaches of the AYLUS Syosset basketball club starts teaching basketball to community members yet again. The dedicated coaches started by refreshing the things taught in the previous sessions such as the basic rules and fundamentals of basketball. Many of the skills taught during that day are passing, skilled dribbling, attempting and trying to extract all the arm strength into a correct shooting form etc. After the enhancement of skills the AYLUS Syosset coaches picked out a few students/players that were willing to try playing a game of “king of the court”. The basics of the basketball game “King of the court” is 1v1s between the players to a game of 1 point which basically means the first player to score wins and stays on until one of the challengers end up beating the “king” of the court and moves on to take on other challengers.

Members who participated include: everyone (2h):

Bryan Wan, Wangyang Ji, Tyler Zhu, Tianrui Zhou



Updated: June 28, 2024 — 12:57 am

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