2024/06/17 AYLUS partners with Island Harvest

2024/06/17 AYLUS partners with Island Harvest


On June 17th, AYLUS volunteers dedicate their morning to work with Island Harvest and prepare boxes of food to give out. The main goal this time around was boxing 1000 boxes of food to hand out in the near future.


Volunteers worked in a style mirroring an assembly line, with each volunteer at stations. To start, there were 3 people working on the box taping machine to create 1000+ boxes to store food. Following that, there were about 30+ volunteers each managing a specific type of food and packaging them as the boxe got passed down. To finish it off, a couple volunteers sealed the box shut and stacked them neatly for future handouts.


There was also a special event held where the Islanders donated to Island Harvest, and volunteers welcomed them and their participation. 

Volunteers: Jason Chen (4 hours)

Updated: June 17, 2024 — 4:55 pm

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