Greater Buffalo Branch Celebrates Volunteers at the 2024 Picnic and Award Ceremony

On June 8th form 4PM to 8PM, our Greater Buffalo Branch celebrated its volunteers and their hard work at our annual picnic. We invited a special guest to present certificates and medals to all the children who received this year’s President’s Volunteer Award, and to present certificates to this year’s high school graduates. Their commitment received national and county level appreciation, several of our volunteers earned their presidential awards. Our wonderful volunteers dedicate their time and efforts to help our community and have changed many lives with their actions. The Greater Buffalo branch helped residents all across Buffalo thanks to the help of our passionate volunteers. We thank them for all their efforts to make our community a fortunate and healthier environment for everyone.


3 hours: Tracy Wu, Ryan Wu, Emma Zhang, Muling Lu, Annie Jiang

3 1/2 hours: Susan Tu, Alex Li

4 hours: Ellie Zhu, Owen Zhu, Ethan Lin, Zhiyi Cheng, Ashley Chi, Angel Zheng, Andy Zheng, Grace Wang, Leila Hu, Emily Zhuang, Ethan Zhuang


Updated: June 17, 2024 — 12:17 am

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