AYLUS Orlando Branch, Boonie Falls Trail Renovation #1 (June 2nd, 2024)

Reported by Dylan Wang


On June 2nd, 2024, the AYLUS Orlando visit the Boonie Falls by the Econ River Trail and underwent a mini renovation project. 5 members of AYLUS walked approximately 4 miles to scout the land of the trail before further renovations occurred and picked up some trash along the way. Members also noticed that tortoises and other animals were under the exposure of plastic, in which they took pictures.

AYLUS Orlando fulfills the values of cleanliness and shares mutual interest in allowing civic-minded people to aid public cleanliness, especially in the Oviedo area.

This event occurred on June 2st, 2024.

The following members participated in the Adopt-a-road volunteer activity, 1 hour for following each person: Dylan Wang, Nikolas Polsinelli, Benjamin Pyle, Simon Gong, Kevin Wang.

Updated: June 4, 2024 — 2:03 am

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