AYLUS Great Neck Branch volunteers at Steppingstone Park on 6/2/24(6th)

Stepping Stone Park is a scenic and popular park located in Great Neck, New York.  This park is known for its beautiful waterfront views, lush greenery, and various recreational activities, making it a favored destination for both residents and visitors.
On 6/2/2024, 16 volunteers came to the park to help remove weeds and lay wood chips in preparation for the new plants. Although the sun was very hot, the volunteers did not slack off and worked hard to finish all the work. The volunteers worked together to smooth wood chips with a pitchfork and remove weeds with a shovel. They experienced the joy of gardening and learned the value and importance of labor. The event fostered the volunteers’ sense of responsibility and team spirit towards the community.

Volunteers (2.5 hrs):

Ankie Huang
guangqi Lu
Kevin Li
Zhaoyu Liu
Peishan Luo
Brandon Li
Chen Liang
Brian Zhang
Isla Zeng
XuHui Gao
ZhengHuang Gao
Catherine Tao
Lucy Yang
Siwoo Song
Jinkuan Chen
Xingchen Jin

Updated: June 4, 2024 — 7:21 pm

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