Frisco & Plano Branch TMMTD Flea Market Fundraiser for African Library Project on May 19th 2024

Reported by Sophia Li

Posted by Jenny Wang

On May 19th, 2024, members of the AYLUS Frisco and Plano branch volunteered at the Flea Market in McKinney. We collected donations and sold homemade gemstone bracelets and rings. Many people stopped by to buy our products, donate directly, or ask about the prices of the bracelets. Others talked with us to learn more about our cause and how much the bracelet and rings are. We worked tirelessly, changing shifts and some volunteers focused on appealing to shoppers and promoting our products and mission. Several shoppers expressed their support for our efforts to build our sixth African Library for children in Africa. Despite the hot and humid weather, we continued to perform and were very happy to see progress toward our goal. A big thank you to all the dedicated volunteers who worked tirelessly!


Sophia Li (event leader) 5 hours

Daniel Zeng                   4.5 hours

Yuchen Qing                  2 hours

Karen Li                         3 hours (making bracelets display stand)

Updated: May 24, 2024 — 6:53 pm

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