The AYLUS Dix Hills Branch volunteers at Bethpage State Park to help take down unneeded trees

The AYLUS Dix Hills Branch volunteers at Bethpage State Park to help take down unneeded trees. Volunteers used various tools such as cutters and saws to help cut down the trees in order to make space for other plants. Volunteers also helped remove weeds and other invasive species from the area to plant chestnut trees in their place. Native chestnut trees were being outcompeted by invasive plants, so they needed further assistance to prosper.

The volunteers worked with determination from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM, dedicating their time and energy to this meaningful project. Their efforts not only helped enhance the park’s biodiversity but also contributed to the long-term health of the environment, ensuring that native species, such as the chestnut tree, could thrive without the pressure from invasive competitors. The hard work is a great example of community involvement in environmental conservation and restoration.


Volunteers: Bryan Fan (3 hrs), Jonathan Fan (2.5 hrs), and Breanna Orantes (2.5 hrs).

Updated: February 2, 2025 — 10:23 pm

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