AYLUS Oakland Gardens Branch Prepared Balloons (03/13/2024)

This is the 52nd event held by Oakland Gardens on March 13, 2024.

The members of AYLUS Oakland Gardens Branch made balloons for the second day fundraiser to support our African Library Project. We have to cover the delivery fee and shipping costs for this project. Since tomorrow is a half day for middle school kids, they would be able to sell balloons at an elementary school. A lot of middle school kids signed up to help. The reason why we were in such a hurry to complete this task is because we wanted to help the kids in Africa faster.

After three months of hard work, we are only one step away from our goal for 2024.  Our members are preparing for tomorrow afternoon’s fundraiser after they finished their homework.  They spent two hours pinching balloons, creating different shapes, and drawing faces on them to make the balloon dolls look even cuter.

Since our members are students, they have to finish their homework before they can make the balloons. They also have to make the balloons the night BEFORE selling the items / fundraiser, as these balloons deflate quickly after being made.

Making balloon animals is really not easy.  Making all different shapes of balloon can cause pain in the fingers. Balloons are also prone to bursting, it happens often the air slowly disappears after finishing making. At that time, members would feel very sad. But, they won’t give up!

Our members made approximately fifty balloons. We hope that during tomorrow’s event, we will sell a lot of balloons and fundraise!


Our volunteers:

Stephanie ShiRan You: 2 hours

Sophia ShiHan You:  2 hours

Hong Hao (Alfred) Liu:  2 hours

Jia Qi (Angela) Liu:  2 hours


Report by:

Sophia ShiHan You


Report reviewed by:

Jia Qi (Angela) Liu

Updated: March 19, 2024 — 4:26 am

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