Orange Branch Volunteers at SCCS New Year Gala 02.18.2024

On February 18th, 2024, Southern Connecticut Chinese School held its New Year’s Gala. All Chinese classes performed a show each, various minigames were held to win prizes, and special visitors like company CEOs and Henry C. Lee were invited to give speeches. To manage all of this and keep everything under control, volunteers arrived an hour early to start with preparations and set up. First, they set up signs that reserved seats for the special speakers. Next, they set up the picture-taking area and food area, as there was going to be a potluck. Next, they set up the backstage area – first, chairs were reserved for guest speakers and hosts (who were also all volunteers), and lastly, they cleared the area of all the other chairs and equipment. They ensured music was working for the numbers that needed it, and then they begin to carry more equipment in for the games. After lunch, they set up at their prospective tables to encourage children to take part in challenging competitions. Others helped with food to ensure food was distributed fairly and equally, and that messes and other complications were cleaned up quickly. As performances began, Monica went backstage as she was one of 5 hosts of the show, and other volunteers set up around the audience area, helping anyone who needed help and keeping the audience in check.

After the performances had all ended, volunteers stayed behind and helped with cleanup and loading everything back onto the cars.

(Images are currently unavailable from the photographer. They will be uploaded ASAP).

Participants include:

Monica Chen (6 hours)

Jason Huang (6 hours)

Julie Huang (6 hours)

Melinda Sauer (6 hours)

Jenell Sauer (6 hours)

Joyce Wu (6 hours)

Ivan Zhang (6 hours)

Updated: February 22, 2024 — 4:02 am

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