In a heartwarming continuation of our partnership with Sending Sunshine, AYLUS Woodbridge recently organized another event focused on spreading joy to the elderly. On January 24, 2024, volunteers gathered to craft heartfelt cards, delivering warm messages and cheerful wishes to seniors. The event, centered around the simple yet impactful act of writing cards, aimed to brighten the days of elderly recipients and remind them that they are cherished by their community. The personalized touch of each message reflects our commitment to fostering connections and bringing moments of happiness to those who may be facing isolation. Through these collaborative efforts with Sending Sunshine, we continue to make a positive difference in the lives of the elderly, showcasing the enduring power of compassion and community engagement.
Eason – 1.5 hours
Chris Ma – 1.5 hours
Jordan Chen – 1.5 hours
Grace Millard – 5 hours
Victoria Pelton – 1.5 hours
Reported by Eason Ni