Orange Branch Teaches an Art Class in the Library on 8/19/2023

Reported by: Monica Chen

On August 19th, the Orange Branch went to Case Memorial Library to teach their volunteers and other children how to draw Patrick Star. AYLUS Orange volunteers worked together to make this event happen: some brought drawing utensils from home, and others were responsible for teaching the art class. Additional volunteers also participated in the event, making it possible. Everyone helped out to ensure participants created a piece they were proud of. The art class was open to the public, and volunteers provided supplies and advice to attendees. We were able to teach participants of all ages, from curious children that saw the event happening and joined in, to supporting parents of our own AYLUS members. Participants of this event, although recommended to, didn’t have to draw Patrick – they had the choice to draw whatever they wanted with the supplies provided, and volunteers would offer advice so that they could improve their drawings.


AYLUS participants of this event include:

Hans Chen (1 hour)

Monica Chen (1 hour)

Ethan Liu (1 hour)

Evelyn Liu (1 hour)

Jenell Sauer (1 hour)

Melinda Sauer (1 hour)

Shreya Viswanathan (1 hour)

Updated: August 29, 2023 — 2:42 am

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