Riverside County AYLUS Hosts its First Park Clean-Up on June 21st, 2021 (16)

On June 21st, 2021 RCA members Chandler Berry, Jacob Navarro, Nicholas Navarro, and Sophie Chung got together to host their first Harveston park clean-up. They brought different tools such as gloves, grabbers, trash bags as well as wipes, and Lysol spray. Everyone was wearing a mask, gloves and was socially distancing while working on this project. Even though they got together in the evening, it was still a pretty hot summer day. Many people that they met during this clean-up encouraged them with uplifting words. In the end, they felt accomplished and happy.

Volunteers: Jacob Navarro (1.5hrs), Nicholas Navarro (1.5 hrs), Chandler Berry (1.5 hrs), and Sophie Chung (1.5hrs)















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