On Jan 30th, they:
On January 6th, 21st and 28th, Sophia Yi and Maxwell reviewed contractions and finished reading comprehension questions. They also reviewed adjectives and read passages with additional questions. (3.5hrs)
During the month of January, Alexandra Jankov continued to tutor Charlotte Cheng in language arts. They consistently worked on vocabulary and spelling using context clues, latin roots, and definitions. Additionally, they continued to work on grammar, using many skills learned from writing and reading. Another important part of their sessions is the essays that Charlotte writes. Alexandra is currently teaching Charlotte the format of an argumentative essay. Their tutoring sessions last an hour each for each Sunday and they have had two so far on January 10th and 17th. (2 hrs)
On January 17th, Emily Zhao and Mandy folded, cut, and designed paper snowflake prior to their lesson as a way to start focusing. They then completed problems (addition and subtraction without carrying over) for math. Lastly, for reading, they read half of the book, Pete the Cat. (2 hrs)
Volunteer hours: Karis Ko (3 hrs), Sophia Yi (3.5hrs), Priyanka Phaniraj (2 hrs), Alexandra Jankov (2 hrs), Emily Zhao (2 hrs)