Phonebanking is one of the most essential ways to get people to vote on Election day. With the election this year covering some of the most important topics of the past decade, getting people out to vote is more important than ever.
Voter participation is important for us all because voter participation is the primary way that regular Americans can do to change policy throughout the United States. The relevance of voter participation this year cannot be understated.
Thus, we at AYLUS Scottsdale believed that the best way to support voter participation this year was to engage in phonebanking throughout Arizona and over the course of the past month, here are the hours that we accumulated:
1. Alex Zou – 4hrs (10/03, 10/10)
2. Andrew Yang – 6hrs (10/11,10/18,11/1)
3. Bridget Chen – 6hr (10/18, 10/24, 10/25)
4. Logan Zhao – 4hrs (10/24,10/31)
5. Laura Wang – 4hrs (10/25, 11/02)