Greater Princeton AYLUS Coached “LEGO Robotics Teams” of West Windsor School on April 5, 7, and 12, 2019

Reported by Cassie Tammy Wang

Greater Princeton AYLUS (GPA) Team Leader Steven Chi is an assistant coach for one of the four “LEGO Robotics Team” in the West Windsor School District. Steven is glad to have such an opportunity to serve his school community. Steven Chi spent his valuable time to coach the LEGO Robotics Team on April 5th, 7th, and 12th, and he will continue working as an assistant coach on the weekly basis each Sunday going forward.

Information Provided by Steven Chi:

4/5 Today, I helped explain a PID line follower to the Friday team. Their homework was to read the chapter and the coach quizzed them on the basics and sent them off to write the program themselves. At first, they copied off the book, but after connecting to a robot, they had to debug the program to make it follow a line. I helped them look over their program as well as giving advice while they were debugging. They will fine tune and perfect it next week to follow any line, no matter how crooked it is (Hours: 7:00 – 9:00)

4/7 The groups continued to work on their color box collector. Both groups started programming and one group even collected the blocks. They will work on the other part of the program next week and continue to prepare for the Innovation Fair (Hours: 6:30 – 9:00)

4/12 Today, the groups continued to work on their PID line followers. This week, I got my hands on a robot and could program my own. After debugging the program, the robot could follow a portion of the line before turning around and following that portion again. I stopped working on mine and went to help another group debug theirs. Most of the groups are still stuck on the first track, but there is one group that has made it to the second track (Hours: 7:00 – 9:00)

Enjoy the video and photos:

Updated: October 2, 2019 — 7:47 pm

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