2020 Providing Hunger Relief
Please help us to ensure no people go hungry!
These are all the food banks you can volunteer at!
Image Courtesy of Feeding America
AYLUS International Art Contest
The AYLUS International Art Contest hosted by the AYLUS Art Committee is one of the best events to encourage community service among students. It also brings out the creativity and artistic talent of young participants.
2019 AYLUS Holiday Gift Drive
Give a Gift to a Person in Need!
2019 Walk to End Alzheimer’s
Be a part of the fight against this dreadful disease!
These are all the local walks near you!
November 11th marks the annual date of America’s celebration and recognition of the sacrifices of our veterans. Some soldiers and veterans have paid the ultimate sacrifice so that our nation could be free. In order to thank them for their services, AYLUS will be hosting its second annual Veterans Appreciation Event.
What: Send care packages, invite veterans to give speeches at school, visit veterans in nursing homes, etc.
Donation for Houston Flood Victims
2017 AYLUS School Supplies Care Drive
Millions of children are growing up in poverty, many without even the opportunity to get an education. Around 16 million children are living in extreme poverty and arrive on the 1st day of school without any school supplies needed to help them learn. Together, AYLUS can contribute to this dilemma.
Collect: Pencils, Backpacks, Crayons, Erasers, Scissors, Index Cards, Glue Sticks, Journals, etc.!
How: Hold Donation Drives.Then take your collected school supplies and find a local shelter that is currently in need of school supplies and donate them!
2017 AYLUS Nation Wide Vision Drive
Help the World to See! Unlock Potential in People!!
One billion people across the world can’t get either an eye exam or a pair of glasses. However, in just about any home, one can find a pair of eyeglasses that is no longer being used. That same pair of eyeglasses can change another person’s life.
Clear vision empowers:
Students to be twice as effective at school
Workers to be 35% more productive at work and earn up to 20% more per year
Families to meet their basic needs without undue strain on time or budget
Collect or donate prescription glasses, sunglasses, or goggles and change someone’s life. Imagine if you could help a child to read, an adult succeed in his job, and a senior maintain her independence, and provide a community with more opportunities to grow and thrive. Recycled glasses are distributed to people in need near you or in Africa, Asia, and South America where they will have the greatest impact.
2017 AYLUS Homeless Hygiene Care Event
Giving Care To Those In Need
Items to Collect: 
Toothbrushes Toothpaste
Soap Toilet Paper
Hand Sanitizer Sunscreen
Lotion Small Towels
Deodorant Wipes
Who: All AYLUS Branches! Anyone can participate!
What: To collect toiletries and hygiene care products and distribute them to the homeless or donate them to a local shelter.
When: Now to the end of 2017!
How: Hold Donation Drives. Then distribute the accumulated items to the homeless around you! The alternative is to donate the items to a local shelter that is in need of hygiene care products.
Event Coordinator: Jonathan Liu
Contact: jonathanviolin77@gmail.com
Link to Flyer: Homeless Hygiene Care Poster
2017 AYLUS Nationwide Book Drive Event
Give the Gift of Reading
Who: All students K-12
What: Book Drive
When: Now-August 31, 2017
Where: Schools, Libraries, Hospitals, Charities
How: Collect, package, sort, donate books
Coordinators: Emily Wang, Kevin Chen
Contact: emi77479@gmail.com, kevinxiaobao@gmail.com
View the flyer here: 
Facts About Literacy:
2/3 of students who cannot read proficiently by the end of 4th grade will end up in jail or on welfare. Over 70% of America’s inmates cannot read above a 4th grade level.
1 in 4 children in America grow up without learning how to read.
Nearly 85% of the juveniles who face trial in the juvenile court system are functionally illiterate, proving that there is a close relationship between illiteracy and crime. More than 60% of all inmates are functionally illiterate.
Families living in poverty often lack the money to buy new books, as well as access to libraries.
Nearly 85% of the juveniles who face trial in the juvenile court system are functionally illiterate, proving that there is a close relationship between illiteracy and crime. More than 60% of all inmates are functionally illiterate.
AYLUS Veteran Appreciation Day
Often, veterans do not get nearly as much credit for their services as they deserve. They have dedicated their lives for the safety of ours and have even paid the ultimate sacrifice, and yet in return we tend to forget their good deeds. Take this Veterans Day as an opportunity to honor those that put their country ahead of themselves with an AYLUS Veterans Appreciation Day event!
Who: All branches are encouraged
What: Find ways to celebrate Veteran’s Day and raise awareness
When: Nov 1-20
How: Decide activities within your own branches
Coordinators: Kevin Chen, Spencer Liu
Contact: kevinxiaobao@gmail.com, spencerliu7@gmail.com
Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF
Halloween is approaching, and children all over the country are getting ready to go trick-or-treating. But in the unseen parts of the world, 16,000 children are also dying every single day. Why not try something different this Halloween and go have fun for a good cause?
Halloween is the only time of the year when people will gladly open their doors to give to children. Please take this chance to help kids around the world!
What: Go door to door with UNICEF donation boxes to collect funds. See details and how-to in the Flyer below!
When: Halloween weekend 2016 (October 28 – October 31)
Who: Everyone!
Event Coordinators:
Eric Wu (eric.justin.wu@gmail.com)
Andy Yang (andytinganyang@gmail.com)
Flyer: Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF Flyer
Poster: Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF Poster
AYLUS Homeless Hygiene Care
In the United States of America, nearly 16 percent of the U.S. population lives in poverty which is, as of today, around 5 million people. Much of the homeless have no access to everyday hygiene products. AYLUS could provide help to the homeless by distributing hygiene products to them!
Items to Collect:
Toothbrushes Toothpaste
Soap Toilet Paper
Hand Sanitizer Sunscreen
Lotion Small Towels
Deodorant Wipes
Who: All AYLUS Branches! Anyone and everyone should participate!
What: To collect toiletries and hygiene care products and distribute them to the homeless or donate them to a local shelter.
When: By the end of 2016!
How: Hold Donation Drives. Then distribute the accumulated items to the homeless around you! The alternative is to donate the items to a local shelter that is in need of hygiene care products.
Event Coordinator: Jonathan Liu
Contact: jonathanviolin77@gmail.com
Homeless Hygiene Care Event Flyer: Homeless Hygiene Care Poster
AYLUS School Supplies Care
As of today, around 16 million children are living in extreme poverty and arrive on the 1st day of school without any school supplies needed to help them learn. In a currently incredibly modernized and advanced country, this shouldn’t be a problem of such high magnitude. Together, AYLUS can contribute to this dilemma.
Items to Collect:
#2 pencils Crayon boxes
Backpacks Bottled glue
Dividers Glue sticks
Graph paper Hand sanitizer
Highlighters Index Cards
Erasers Scissors
Who: All AYLUS Branches! Anyone and everyone should participate!
What: To collect school supplies and donate them to a local shelter.
When: Try to have all collected items donated by September 2016!
How: Hold Donation Drives. Then take your collected school supplies and find a local shelter that is currently in need of school supplies and donate them!
Event Coordinators: Jonathan Liu & Clio Sun
Contact: jonathanviolin77@gmail.com
School Supplies Care Event Flyer: School Supplies Care Event Flyer
2) Go to the “Forum” tab and click on “Organization.” Then click on a blue button that says “New.”
3) Research a volunteer organization in your state or area! Make sure to give information such as the organization’s mission, statistics (if any), logos, and contact information, as well as a short description. For reference, please check out this one, which features the Greater Boston Food Bank.
4) Once you’ve published your post, “recommend” it for the corresponding state, or if it’s a national organization, select “National.”
2016 AYLUS Water Crisis Event
Water Crisis
A water crisis is a potentially devastating event caused by shortage or pollution of water. Due to a recent drinking water contamination issue in Flint, Michigan, between 6,000 and 12,000 children have been exposed to drinking water with high levels of lead and experienced a range of serious health problems.
On April 17th, the Metro Detroit Branch members held a fundraising event. They collected funds and plan on donating to Catholic Charities of Shiawasee and Genesee counties to help provide clean drinking water and raise water pollution awareness for those affected. In the event, the members made food items and sold them at a local Chinese food and culture festival in order to collect funds. Furthermore, knowing that this has become a nationwide issue, they would like to promote the awareness of Health Effects of Exposures to Lead in Drinking Water.
Why should I help?
• In 2012, almost $1 billion were cut from the president’s budget designated to ensuring the safety of our water.
• Research has indicated that children drinking polluted water show significant behavioral issues, cognitive difficulties, and lower IQs.
• One out of every five deaths for children worldwide is due to a water-related disease.
Who: All AYLUS branches
What: Raise awareness for water issues and crisis
When: Now until 12/31/2016
How: Hold a fundraising event and donate water, money, or bathroom supplies to water or health charities near you
Coordinators: David Nie (davidnie5704@gmail.com), Spencer Liu (spencerliu7@gmail.com), Freddie Zhao (freddiezhao1@gmail.com)
Contact: metrodetroitaylus@gmail.com
View the event flyer here: 2016 Water Crisis Event
Music & Memory is a non-profit organization that brings personalized music into the lives of the elderly or infirm through digital music technology, vastly improving quality of life. They create and provide personalized playlists using iPods and related digital audio systems that enable those struggling with Alzheimer’s, dementia and other cognitive and physical challenges to reconnect with the world through music-triggered memories.
Who: All AYLUS Branches
When: By August 2016
What: Music soothes the minds of those with Alzheimer’s
How: Donate gently-used iPods and iTunes gift cards to Music & Memory
Event Coordinator: Lauren Yang
Contact: laurenyang58@gmail.com
View event flyer: iPod Drive Flyer
What is Alzheimer’s?
Alzheimer’s is a form of dementia that causes problems with memory, thinking, and behavior. Symptoms usually develop slowly and get worse over time, becoming severe enough to interfere with daily life.
Why Alzheimer’s?
- It is the only cause of death in the top 10 in America that cannot be prevented, slowed, or cured.
- 1 in 3 seniors dies with Alzheimer’s or another dementia.
- Alzheimer’s disease is the 6th leading cause of death in the United States.
- Every 67 seconds, someone in the United States develops the disease.
- In 2015, Alzheimer’s and other dementias will cost the nation $226 billion. That number is expected to rise as high as $1.1 trillion by 2050.
Who: All AYLUS Branches
What: Join a Walk to End Alzheimer’s near you to make a difference.
How: Find a walk near you by zipcode.
Event Coordinator: Lauren Yang
Contact: laurenyang58@gmail.com
View event flyer: Walk to End Alzheimer’s
Welcome to 2016 AYLUS Book Drive event. As many of you know, reading is a fundamental skill in people’s lives and is essential to success. Without literacy, most people will not be able to complete/have a basic education or get a job. To help combat the issue of illiteracy, AYLUS is hosting a nationwide book drive. AYLUS members are urged to join and help contribute their efforts to this cause. Our mission is to help as many people as possible by donating books of all languages, genres, and age ranges to libraries, schools, hospitals, and nonprofit organizations.
WHO: All AYLUS Members
WHAT: A nationwide book drive
WHEN: Now to May 31, 2016
HOW: Set up donation bins at local schools, churches, stores, etc. Then, collect the books, sort them, and donate them to a local hospital, library, or Goodwill.
Event Coordinators: Emily Wang and Tony Liu
Contact: emi77479@gmail.com or t.liu13579@gmail.com
Facts About Literacy:
2/3 of students who cannot read proficiently by the end of 4th grade will end up in jail or on welfare. Over 70% of America’s inmates cannot read above a 4th grade level.
1 in 4 children in America grow up without learning how to read.
Nearly 85% of the juveniles who face trial in the juvenile court system are functionally illiterate, proving that there is a close relationship between illiteracy and crime. More than 60% of all inmates are functionally illiterate.
Families living in poverty often lack the money to buy new books, as well as access to libraries.
Nearly 85% of the juveniles who face trial in the juvenile court system are functionally illiterate, proving that there is a close relationship between illiteracy and crime. More than 60% of all inmates are functionally illiterate.
View the flyer here: 2016 AYLUS Book Drive Flyer
The AYLUS Conejo Valley Branch has created a video on Earth Day. AYLUS encourages members to comprehend the purpose of Earth Day and why we celebrate it. By understanding Earth day, members can see the damage our society can cause and the change our society can make. AYLUS branches are encouraged to take part in Earth Day and to save our earth.
Who: All AYLUS Members
What: Earth Day
When: April 22, 2016 (AYLUS branches can host activities on the weekend after Earth Day, April 23-24)
Where: Anywhere
As a platform to promote leadership
and innovation, AYLUS encourages members to explore the wonders of stock market. The mission of this activity is to spread financial literacy, and to make learning about investing fun and rewarding. Navigating through the turmoil of stock market often puts human traits to the test. Professional knowledge, strategic thinking, sound judgement, patience, risk-taking, and many other characteristics are all required for one to survive in the rogue waves of the stock market. By participating in a stock trading challenge following the heels of the real market condition, young members could not only have the chance to incubate the skills in a new territory, but most importantly, also to learn valuable lessons that they can use throughout life.
Who: All AYLUS Members
What: Stock Trading Challenge Event
When: Jun 10, 2016 – Oct 10, 2016
Where: https://www.investopedia.com/simulator/
Two teams will be formed, namely the A team and the B Team. AYLUS members join one of them by team coordinator’s invitation. We will recognize the top performer from each team. During the challenge time, two dedicated Facebook groups will be created to allow players to facilitate team collaboration.
The event coordinators are:
Eric Wu (eric.justin.wu@gmail.com), A Team Captain
Alex Lin (alin2018@bwscampus.com), B Team Captain
Download volunteer hours request form at: aylus.org/documents-and-forms/
Logistic details will be posted later.
View the flyer here: 2016 AYLUS Stock Trading Challenge Flyer
Who: AYLUS Members and Junior Members
What: Political Campaign Event
When: Present day – November 8th, 2016
Where: In Your Local Community
How To Participate in the Political Campaign Event:
1. Have your branch select a political candidate who is currently running for a political position. (Doesn’t have to be presidential position)
2. Campaign for your chosen candidate by fundraising and publicly showing your support.
Ideas Include:
– Visiting and volunteering at your chosen candidate’s office.
– Setting up fundraiser and donation posts in your local community.
– Helping seniors at senior homes register for voting.
– Volunteer at voting posts.
– Promote Chinese to elect.
– Analyzing debates.
– Raising awareness of how important politics are.
– Encourage the young to register and vote.
We are also open to any ideas your branch may come up with!!! Remember, innovation is one of the key aspects of AYLUS!
The 2016 AYLUS Political Campaign Event allows for students and teenagers to get involved within their local community and to reap a better understanding of the political structure constantly at work around them. Our goal is to have AYLUS members portray the quintessential nature of politics, to be exposed to a more communal and political environment, and to display the leadership, integrity, and innovation of each and every AYLUS member. Download the volunteer hour request forms at aylus.org/documents-and-forms/.
Event Coordinators: George Cao and Jonathan Liu
Event Committee: Political Committee
Contact: jonathanviolin77@gmail.com or georgecao2000@gmail.com
Flyer: Political Campaign Flyer
Pearland Branch Participated in the Political Campaign Event
Event Coordinator: Christie Yu
Event Committee: Politics Committee
Deadline: November 8th, 2016
Contact: vp@aylus.org with questions
Step 1: Choose a female candidate running for a national political position.
Step 2: Campaign for your candidate as a volunteer by fundraising and supporting.
Ideas include:
1) Working as a volunteer at their campaign office,
2) Setting fundraising posts at shopping malls and supermarkets,
3) Helping seniors at senior homes register for voting, and
4) Volunteering at voting posts.
The 2016 Women in Politics AYLUS Event offers students the chance to show their passion for politics while supporting female candidates during this national election.
AYLUS will honor participants with volunteer hours for the time spent volunteering for female candidates.
Download the volunteer hours request form at https://aylus.org/documents-and-forms/.
View the flyer here for more information: Women in Politics Flyer
AYLUS Vice President Christie Yu Met Lindy Li to Discuss Women in Politics

12 outstanding members have been awarded the title of 2015 AYLUS Members of Year. They are: William John, Christie Yu, Eric Wu, Hill Yin, Emily Wang, Sophie Wen, Shangtao Wu, Lauren Yang, Cissy Xiao, Aric Zhuang, Leo Tong, and Gan Liu. Click here for their stories.
2015 AYLUS Charity Activities
2015 AYLUS Parents’ Appreciation Event
Join AYLUS in our Parents’ Appreciation Event! Show your gratitude for your parents by cooking them a meal, decorating the house, shoveling snow, or any other way you can think of!
High School Contact: Sophie Wen
Elementary-Middle School Contact: Julia He
(video on left: Meal prepared by Julia for her family; Picture above: Meal prepared by Christie Yu for her family) |
Click here for more pictures and stories
2015 AYLUS Food Drive
Initiated by Hill Yin and Leo Tong, AYLUS launches 2015 AYLUS Holiday Food Drive coordinated by: Hill Yin: yinyuanyi@gmail.com and Leo Tong: Leotong123@gmail.com
15 branches had participated in this event. Click here to see more detailed story.
Essay Contest
The 2015 AYLUS Essay Contest offers students the chance to demonstrate their writing skills while additionally showing their passion and love for the AYLUS community. The top three papers in each grade category will be featured on the AYLUS website and will be used by the organization for future charity events. Participants will enter in the categories of grades K-5, 6-8, and 9-12.
Please submit in a Word document format along with the writer’s full name, age, grade, e-mail address, and picture. We will need a picture of the writer to publish the written work!
2015 AYLUS Essay Contest Flyer(PDF)
Coordinator: Christie Yu
Committee: Emily Wang (chair), Christie Yu, Sophie Wen, Lauren Yang, Cissy Xiao, Jonathan Liu, Alex Lin, Eric Wu, Shangtao Wu, Luvena Huo, Claire Wen, Bradley Yu, Jessica Fan
Click here to appreciate the insights of our young authors!
The AYLUS Art Contest provides young artists with the opportunity to develop their creativity and spread their passion to the world. The top three pieces in each grade category will be featured on the AYLUS website and will be used by the organization for future charity events.
Who: Anyone in grades K-12
Deadline: November 15, 2015
What: All 2D mediums. 3D and digital art not accepted. Art that contains nudity or supports drug use/violence is prohibited.
How to Enter: Create an original work of art based on a topic of the artists’ choosing. When complete, take a clear high resolution photo of the entire piece of art in good lighting. Email the photo of the entry to gallery@aylus.org along with student information (name, age, grade level) and information about the art (title, medium). Event coordinator: Emily Wang.
The 2015 AYLUS Art Gallery Event Flyer (PDF)
Click here to enjoy the spectacular artworks!
Featured Artworks
William John, president and co-founder of AYLUS has initiated and organized the 2015 AYLUS Clean Up the World Event in September. The event was a huge success. 13 branches participated in the event. Volunteers from AYLUS came out to clean parks and beaches to help their communities. William put great effort to plan and manage the event, updated event’s progress on AYLUS website and Facebook and contacted branch presidents to encourage more members to get involved in the event. This event provided the opportunity for all the members to contribute to the world by making it cleaner and more beautiful. It was highly praised and supported by all the members and officers.
The 2015 AYLUS Music From Heart Event
The Music From Heart Event encourages young musicians to spread their love for music to the hearts of others by recording and uploading their music pieces to YouTube. The most outstanding pieces will be selected to be included in CDs for future charity events. Event details and rules are available here. Event coordinator: Lauren Yang.
Christie Yu
Donates Her Art Book
Christie Yu, Cofounder and Vice President of AYLUS, has donated her art book IMAGINE to AYLFUS for fund raising. Christie loves arts. She recently received Scholastic National Medal 2015 for her piece of art Morning. Christie is current a high school student at Wellesley High School. Her art book IMAGINE is available at AYLFUS Book store.
Math Wizards Released AMC Tutorial Videos
For more than 60 years, students across the country have taken up the challenge of America’s longest-running and most prestigious math contests, The American Mathematics Competitions (AMC). Dedicated to strengthening the mathematical capabilities of our nation’s youth, the AMC program identifies, recognizes, and rewards excellence in mathematics. Every year, at thousands of schools in every state, more than 350,000 students take part in the AMC challenge.
Hill Yin and Eric Wu, co-founders of AYLUS, have released their AMC tutorial videos on AMC!
To help high school students to prepare for the American Mathematics Competition (AMC), Hill Yin (a USAJMO qualifier) and Eric Wu (a TX representative at the MATHCOUNTS National competition) have devoted their summer time to develop a series of AMC tutorial videos. Check out their latest releases!
Bring Music to SeniorsThe New York Branch, headed by Jack Wang (left), has initiated a “Bring Music to Seniors” program. They have performed music at various senior centers in Forest Hill (NY) area. Attached is the video they taped during recent performance. |
Build a Robot Yourself !Gan Liu, a co-founder of AYLUS, shows you how to build a working robot from scratch. This 35 minutes video is a superb introduction to build a robot yourself. Enjoy! Gan and his fellow members at Fort Bend branch had a robotics seminar which attracted a large crowd in the local community. See more about the seminar… |