Category: senior center

Murrieta AYLUS Helps Local Senior Center (107th) (3/16/2025)

Reported by Caien(Daisy) Chen : On March 16th, AYLUS members helped at their local senior center. They started by preparing a fruit parfait, cutting up pieces of blueberry, strawberry, and banana into small biteable pieces and topping the fruits with yogurt. However, before serving, they took all the residents outside to enjoy the rare bright […]

Murrieta AYLUS Helps Local Senior Center (100th) (1/26/2025)

Reported by Adora Xiao : On January 26th, 2025, Murrieta AYLUS members helped at a local senior center.At Torrey Pines Senior Living: The volunteers began with leading the residents through their exercise while also preparing a snack of cottage cheese and fruit salad, passing out refreshments after they finished their workout. They helped feed some […]

Murrieta AYLUS Helps Local Senior Center (98th) (1/12/2025)

Reported by Adora Xiao : On January 12, 2025, Murrieta AYLUS volunteered at local senior centers. Quickly getting to work, the volunteers split up to lead the residents through exercises and prepare snacks. As they demonstrated yoga and strengthening techniques, the others cut bananas and made whipped cream treats. They also went to visit various […]

Murrieta AYLUS Helps Local Senior Center (96th) (12/29/2024)

Reported by Adora Xiao : On December 29, 2024, Murrieta AYLUS members volunteered at local senior centers. At Torrey Pines Senior Living, the volunteers put on and led the seniors through light yoga and exercise to get their blood flowing. Afterwards, they put on a documentary about foreign attractions while serving cookies and bananas to […]

Murrieta AYLUS Helps Local Senior Center (91st) (11/24/2024)

Reported by Adora Xiao : On November 24th, 2024, Murrieta AYLUS volunteers at local senior centers. The volunteers helped lead the residents through an exercise regimen while others cut strawberries and grapes to put in yoghurt cups. After sprinkling cereal on top, the volunteers distributed the snacks to the residents for them to enjoy while […]

Murrieta AYLUS Helps Local Senior Center (87th) ( 10/27/2024)

Reported by Adora Xiao : On October 27th, 2024, Murrieta AYLUS helped at local senior centers. At Torrey Pines Senior Living: The volunteers started with preparing the residents’ snacks, cutting up raisin toast and spreading jellies over it, then placing them onto separate napkins. They helped lead the residents through their daily exercise regimen, then […]

Murrieta AYLUS Helps Local Senior Center (85th) ( 10/13/2024)

Reported by Adora Xiao : On October 13th, 2024, AYLUS members volunteered at local senior centers. At Torrey Pines Senior Living: The volunteers split up to cover all the bases. Some led the residents through light exercises, stretching, and meditation to wake up their bodies. Others washed cups and fruit, cutting and preparing snacks of […]

Murrieta AYLUS Helps Local Senior Center (83rd) ( 9/29/2024)

Reported by Adora Xiao : On September 29th, 2024, Murrieta AYLUS helped local senior centers. The volunteers helped lead the residents through light exercises while preparing cut fruits for the fruit salad for snack. They celebrated the new non-broken trash can, before taking the residents outside for some sunshine. Outside, they were able to serve […]

Murrieta AYLUS Helps Local Senior Center (81st) ( 9/15/2024)

Reported by Adora Xiao : On September 15th, 2024, Murrieta AYLUS members helped at local senior centers. At Torrey Pines Senior Living: The volunteers began with some light exercise using pool noodles and various stretches, while preparing some cut fruit and yoghurt for a snack. After the exercise, the residents were taken outside to enjoy […]

Murrieta AYLUS Helps Local Senior Center (80th) ( 9/8/2024)

Reported by Adora Xiao : On September 8th, 2024, Murrieta AYLUS members volunteered at local senior centers. The volunteers began the morning with some sing a long with the residents, then preparing a snack. While some volunteers cut and prepared a fruit salad with strawberries, blueberries, and cut grapes. Aside from that, the volunteers also […]

Murrieta AYLUS Helps Local Senior Center (79th) ( 9/1/2024)

Reported by Adora Xiao : On September 1st, 2024, Murrieta AYLUS member helped local senior centers. At Torrey Pines Senior Living: The volunteers first prepared a light snack with fruits and yoghurt, before pouring some juice. The residents were led through various chair yoga exercises, and were then taken outside to enjoy some sunshine. They […]

Murrieta AYLUS Helps Local Senior Center (76th) ( 8/11 /2024)

Reported by Adora Xiao : On August 11th, 2024, Murrieta AYLUS helped at local senior centers. At Torrey Pines Senior Living: Arriving while the residents were enjoying some orchestral music, the volunteers joined them in dancing. They then helped the residents get acclimated and start their exercise. After some stretches and breathing exercises, the residents […]

Murrieta AYLUS Helps Local Senior Center (74th) ( 8/4/2024)

Reported by Adora Xiao : On August 4th, 2024, Murrieta AYLUS members volunteered at local senior centers. At Torrey Pines Senior Living: The volunteers led the residents through their regular exercise regimen before collecting the materials. They asked the residents for food and drink preferences before preparing them, pouring out water and juice and unwrapping […]

Murrieta AYLUS Helps Local Senior Center (73rd) ( 7/28/2024)

Reported by Adora Xiao : On July 28th, 2024, Murrieta AYLUS members helped at local senior centers. At Torrey Pines Senior Living: The volunteers began the morning with a regular workout breathing exercise and cooldown combination, before taking the residents’ requests for drinks and snack. After juices, waters, puddings, and cut bananas were prepared and […]

Murrieta AYLUS Helps Local Senior Center (72nd) ( 7/21/2024)

Reported by Adora Xiao : On July 21st, 2024, Murrieta AYLUS members volunteered at a local senior center. The volunteers led the residents through some light exercise, stretching out and strengthening their arms, backs, legs, and necks. The volunteers then poured smoothie and juices and handed out puddings and cut bananas as a snack, putting […]

Murrieta AYLUS Helps Local Senior Center (70th) ( 7/16/2024)

Reported by Adora Xiao : On July 16th, 2024, Murrieta AYLUS members volunteered a local senior center. The volunteers started by preparing a snack while the residents exercised. They washed and cut strawberries and blueberries and put them into cups, before topping with cottage cheese. While the volunteers were horrified by the concoction the residents […]