On 1/17/25 members of Stony Brook AYLUS taught a tech support Q&A class at Brightview Port Jefferson, a local senior home. Members + Hours: Zeyu (Frank) Wang (2 hours), Menghan (Andy) Tang (2 hours), Pranav Mukhi (2 hours)
Category: Stony Brook
Stony Brook AYLUS Teaches Tech Help Class at Brightview Port Jefferson 11/29/24
On 11/29/24 members of Stony Brook AYLUS taught a tech support Q&A class at Brightview Port Jefferson, a local senior home. Members + Hours: Zeyu (Frank) Wang (2 hours), Menghan (Andy) Tang (2 hours), Brandon Xu (2 hours)
AYLUS Stony Brook Teaches Tech Help At Brightview Port Jefferson 10/24/24
On 10/24/24 members of Stony Brook AYLUS taught a tech support Q&A class at Brightview Port Jefferson, a local senior home. (Some faces are blurred for privacy) Members + Hours: Zeyu (Frank) Wang (2 hours), Ziya Yin (2.5 hours), Menghan (Andy) Tang (2 hours), Sarah Xu (2 hours), Bobby Zhang (2 hours),
Scientist From Brookhaven National Lab Teaches Lecture on AI for Stony Brook AYLUS Members 10/21/24
On 10/21/24 Dr Haiwang Yu, a scientist from Brookhaven National Lab taught a lecture about the application of AI to the members of Stony Brook AYLUS. Some members are given community service hours for helping set up. Members + Hours: Zeyu (Frank) Wang (0.5 hours), Ziya Yin (0.5 hours), Menghan (Andy) Tang, Sarah […]
Stony Brook AYLUS Teaches Tech Help Class at The Villas 10/17/24
On 10/17/24 members of Stony Brook AYLUS visited a local senior home (The Villas) a hosted a tech related Q&A session for the residents of the community. Members + Hours: Zeyu (Frank) Wang (2 hours), Ziya Yin (2.5 hours), Menghan (Andy) Tang (2 hours) Sarah Xu (2 hours), Bobby Zhang (2 hours)
Stony Brook AYLUS Teaches Tech Help Class At Brightview 9/24/24
On 9/24/24 members of Stony Brook AYLUS taught a tech support Q&A class at Brightview Port Jefferson, a local senior home. Before the class, the members met virtually and discussed different ideas and prepared a presentation. (Some faces are blurred for privacy) Members + Hours: Zeyu (Frank) Wang (3 hours), Ziya Yin (3 hours), […]
AYLUS Stony Brook Helps Members Of Setauket Meadows Senior Living On Zoom 9/22/24
On 9/22/24 Members of Stony Brook AYLUS helped members of The Villas Senior Living with their tech questions on zoom Members + Hours: Zeyu (Frank) Wang (0.5 Hours), Brandon Xu (0.5 Hours), Jiseok (Jason) Oh (0.5 Hours)
Stony Brook AYLUS Teaches Demo Class At Setauket Meadows 9/19/24
On 9/19/24 Members of Stony Brook AYLUS did a demo tech Q&A session at Setauket Meadows Senior Community. Members + Hours: Zeyu (Frank) Wang (2.5 hours), Ziya Yin (2.5 hours)
Stony Brook AYLUS Teaches Tech Help Class at The Villas 9/17/24
On 9/17/24 members of Stony Brook AYLUS visited a local senior home (The Villas) and taught a tech help class. The members gave an introduction, two demos, and hosted a Q&A session. Before the class, the members met virtually and discussed different ideas and prepared a presentation. Members + Hours: Zeyu (Frank) Wang […]
Stony Brook AYLUS Members Volunteer at 10th Annual Port Jefferson Dragon Boat Race Festival 9/14/24
On 9/14/24 Members of Stony Brook AYLUS volunteered at the Port Jefferson Dragon Boat Festival, an annual festival hosted by the Port Jefferson Chamber Of Commerce with many activities including; boat races, performances, raffles, etc. The members helped setup the stage, work the sound system, and took pictures of all different activities around the […]
Stony Brook AYLUS Members Visit Senior Communities. 8/13/24
On 8/13/24 Members of Stony Brook AYLUS visited six senior homes in the community to introduce our services. They handed out flyers, talked with some members of the communities about what they needed and answered some basic questions people had. Members + Hours: Zeyu (Frank) Wang (2.5 hours), Ziya Yin (2.5 hours), Menghan (Andy) […]
Stony Brook, NY tours Brookhaven National Lab
On 7/21/2024 As a first act, the founders of the Stony Brook Branch attended the open house at Brookhaven National Lab. The founders attended a science talk and toured the National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS II) an electron storage ring.