On December 4, 2021, members of AYLUS Puget Sound hosted the first class of the 2021 AMC 8 Preparation Course. As of January 15, 2022, members hosted the final class of 2021 AMC 8 Prep, and by January 17, 2022, all wrap up of the course has been completed.
Instructors Sarah Xuan, Sophie Xuan, and Reese Long taught the 2021 AMC 8 Course. The three instructors prepared detailed reviews and breakdowns of past AMC 8 exams for weekly Saturday classes, using the remainder of the week to become prepared for the class. The course covered from 2016 AMC 8 to the 2020 AMC 8, with concept extension topics or reviews given for every single class. After each class, instructors often stay behind to answer questions and clear up any confusions. In addition, all editing and uploading of recordings, additional sign ups, emails and questions were handled by the instructors of the course themselves.
We still had approximately 20-30 students who attend classes as well as students who attend selectively. The feedback we received on our course was overwhelmingly positive: students appreciated the quality and detailed solutions, explanations of how to approach and solve problems, and the extensions we provided to expand knowledge.
We thank our students and everyone who has participated in or helped make this course possible. AYLUS Puget Sound will continue the promotion of mathematical learning and self-enrichment through their accessible and free courses, teaching students across the Americas.
AYLUS Members Hours Summary:
Sarah Xuan: 22
Sophie Xuan: 16