AYLUS Syosset Prepares Fertile Soil for Future Gardening (11/28/21, #1)

On 11/28/21, members of AYLUS Syosset initiated an event to prepare nutrient rich soil for future AYLUS Events.

The volunteers obtained food scraps through ordinary trash bags supplied by the house and AYLUS members. They sorted through the trash and picked out pieces of plastic, rubber, and any other materials that were not compostable. Then the participants dug numerous holes into an area of soil, filled up each hole with the sorted items, and filled them back up to allow the food scraps to decompose.

Through our efforts, we hope to mitigate food waste in our community and help to support a more sustainable way of life.

Members who participated include: Ryan Leung(2 hours), Matthew Lee(2 hours), Leo Cheng(1.5 hours), and Jasmine Chen (1.5 hours)



Updated: November 28, 2021 — 11:36 pm

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