AYLUS Rancho Santa Margarita Participates in PantryGo in June 2021

On June 4, 2021, members of the AYLUS Rancho Santa Margarita met with Pantry Go, George Zhou and Marlena Meltzer to discuss their participation in their app PantryGo.

Zhou and Meltzer founded PantryGo as an app that allows people with food insecurity to select the type/kinds of groceries they need. Then, volunteers with the app would pick up the selected groceries from local food banks and deliver them to their door. The members were given a brief description by the founders, voiced any questions and concerns, and expressed their willingness to participate.

Pantry Go would be an exemplary form of community service because it mitigates problems with food insecurity, such as transportation, COVID concerns, time, and cost. Members of the community who suffer from food insecurity would benefit from the service provided by the app and its volunteers. In contrast, the volunteers could gain responsibility and service hours for serving the community. It is more important than ever for the community to come together and support each other in trying times.

Allison, Diana, Jane: 5 hrs

Stella, Steven, Ethan L, Jasmine, Ethan X, Cyra, Michelle, Kim, Jim: 2 hours


Updated: June 11, 2021 — 4:57 am

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