Because March 20 is International Earth Day and March 22 is World Water Day, we would like to launch a series of activities and events to support the International earth day and World Water Day 2021 Campaign. You are the most important element of these campaigns. Join millions of other people and share key messages with your friends, family and colleagues. Use the following links below to start conversations and raise awareness of these crucial issues.
• Get the message out, if you share the poster to 5 different social medias like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, we chat, school newsletter or your friends’ groups, hangout and etcs, it will count as one volunteer hour.
• If you are interested in creating your own slides about what water and earth means to people, its true value and how we can better protect this vital resource, this is also an option. Your voice will help to shape the forthcoming Campaign as well. We will count volunteer hours for your efforts.
The Volunteers:
Ryan Duan: 3 hours, Angelina Zhang: 4 hours, Ethan Wei: 2 hours