Phoenix AYLUS is holding a series of free virtual sessions from medical students and professionals around the Phoenix region. Our guest speaker, who works in student recruitment at U of A Pharmacy school, will be talking about what pharmacy school is like as well as her general day in life in her job. In addition, she will provide tips for high school students interested in pharmacy and medicine in general. In the end, the session will open up to a Q and A, where the attendees can ask questions for the guest speaker.
Introducing our Speaker: LuzMaría is a student services specialist at U of A pharmacy school and assists with student recruitment. She will likely cover tips for high school students interested in medicine the pharmacy program at U of A. She assists with the recruitment and representation of all UA COP Programs, identifying target populations for Bachelor in Pharmaceutical Sciences (BSPS) and Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) programs, and is the coordinator of PharmD events sponsored by the Office of Student Services.
Katherine Wei (1 hour), Harold Wang (1 hour), Sophie Li (1 hour), Ryan Dong (1 hour)
Time: August 10th, 2020 at 4PM PST
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