Reported by: Kathleen Jiang
Posted by: Karen Li
This rainy Saturday, everyone volunteered and had a blast learning about money
and more about our amazing God! We each paired up with a buddy and held them
accountable, encouraging them to stand on their feet, dance, and bask in God’s love!
We danced to the hymn, sang loudly, and laughed joyfully! We also are together to try
to learn to pay and buy snacks with pretend money. Bonus-ing the kids with pretend
money is our first try in the program, but we did a wonderful job today, they are enjoying
spending their own money to buy snacks.
The time went by fast and we finished off the day by moving the tables and
chairs, and helping arrange the seating for a birthday surprise full with a delicious
pineapple cake!
Hours (alphabetical order):
Kathleen Jiang (Event Leader) – 4 hours
Christopher An – 3 hours
Enrui (Ray) Guo – 3 hours
Summer Shi – 3 hours
Samuel So – 3 hours
Jiahe (Joy) Tian – 3 hours
Zhufeng Yang (Supervising parent): 4 hours
Li Wan (Supporting parent): 4 hours