On Saturday, January 18th, 2025, from 1:00 to 4:00 pm EST, 6 members of the AYLUS Roslyn branch visited a C.P. Nassau’s Adam’s Gate residential home. C.P. Nassau has been supporting many individuals with disabilities for over 75 years and it provides various services including medical and primary care, therapy, education, etc. In addition, it also has group homes like the Hicksville residential home we visited today. At today’s visit, we started off by making two pizzas, per the residents’ request. While the pizzas were cooking, we also made some cookies that would be baked later. Once the pizzas were done, we baked the cookies and played games with the residents.
Through this experience, we learned that the residents of the residential really enjoyed baking. All of the residents pitched in to make the food, especially the cookies. They also really enjoyed playing games such as Connect Four, Jenga, magnet fishing, and arts and crafts.
Additionally, this experience taught us that the residents of this establishment are full of their own likes and hobbies, and we shall make continual efforts to motivate and encourage their participation. Everybody had fun and participated, which made everyone have a great time. The games, such as magnet fishing and Jenga, helped improve the resident’s motor skills. At the end of the event, everyone was happy. The AYLUS members look forward to the next volunteering events in CP Nassau and beyond.
Members who participated include: Austin Guo (3 hours), Leah Chan (3 hours), Leo Zheng (3 hours), Angelika Jiang (3 hours), Brooke Zheng (3 hours), Maggie Xiao (3 hours)
Reporter: Austin Guo